
Pekin Area Chapter 2024 Meeeting Dates and Times

All scheduled meetings are on the 1st Thursday of each month.   Unless otherwise noted.    All times at 7:00 P.M.      Located at the Carle Health Pekin Hospital Lower Level Conference Room.               600 S.  13th St.,  Pekin, IL  61554

National Website:  www.compassionatefriends.org 
Pekin Chapter Website:   www.tcfpekin.com    
Pekin Chapter E-Mail: tcfpekin@yahoo.com 
Pekin Chapter Voice Mail Number: 309-352-6000 

The Pavilion...
Pekin's Mineral Springs Park & Lagoon.
1701 Court St., Pekin, IL 61554 
Caddy-corner across from the Hospital where we have our Monthly Meetings on 13th Street. 

Please Note Love Gift Change of Address: 
The Compassionate Friends #1525
1500 N. Mayfield Ct.
Trivoli, IL 61569-2500


January 4th, 2024 :  "Our Hope for the New Year"  and Open Discussion

February 1st, 2024:  "Ask it Basket" 

March 7th, 2024:  "Wisdom from Books"  Members share helpful tips from any books 
about grief they've read.  Plus Group Discussion. 

April 4th, 2024:  "Signs in our Live"  Members share "signs" they've received after 
their child's death. 

May 2nd, 2024:  "Mother's Day Program", and Open discussion

June 6th, 2024:  "Father's Day Program", and Open Discussion

July 11, 2024:  "4th of July with our children"  Plus Open Discussion.

July 12 to 14, 2024 TCF Nat'l Conference in New Orleans, LA 

August 1, 2024 :  "Annual Wreath Release"   Meet at the Pekin Boat Club
Parents and family will write notes to loved ones and attach them to a wreath.

September 5, 2024:  "Ask It Basket" and Open Discussion

September 15, 2024:  Sunday. Green Valley Centennial Park
                                                  101 Jibben St. Green Valley, IL 61534
                                     1:30 pm  "Memorial Walk"
                                      2:00 pm  Butterfly Release
                                      2:30 pm  Family & Friends Potluck meal
                                      Table service, drinks, and plates provided. 
                                      Please bring a meat dish and another vegetable,
                                      salad, or dessert to share. 
                                      This will take place rain or shine! 
                        Please call or text Laura 309-657-8635 if you plan to attend!  

October 3, 2024:  "Celebrating our Children"  and it's our Pekin's Chapter #1525
                              38th Anniversary.  Sharing our history and memories of our 
                              children.  Please bring a photo of your child. 

October 3, 2024:  Memorial Butterfly orders are due to Marcella Harms. 
                              Order forms are in the Newsletter. 

November 7, 2024:  "Surviving the Holidays" and Group Discussion

November 30, 2024: SATURDAY,  "Hanging of the Butterfly Ornaments" 
                                  Promptly at 9:00 AM on our "Trees of Remembrance"  located
                                  in Mineral Springs Park on Coal Car Drive just off of Court Street. 

December 5, 2024:  "Annual Children's Remembrance Program"  and Fundraising 
                                  Raffle.   Please bring a photo of your child.  And, please bring
                                  2 dozen cookies.

December 8, 2024: Sunday. the 27th Annual "World Wide Candle Lighting"  
                                 Pekin's Mineral Springs Park Pavilion
                                 Harp music begins at 5:30pm
                                 Program begins at 6:00pm
                                 Please bring a photo of your child.

Coal Car Drive is the next turn to left past Pavilion Rd. 
This is where our Remembrance Trees are located